[ Tenuta Ciaiali ]

Restoration and enhancement of rural architectural and landscape heritage

Tenuta Ciaiali is a landmark of that rural memory which is typical of this regional landscape, forgotten or set aside for decades and today rediscovered; an asset to be considered a living testimony of lifestyle and economic activities that were central to human settlements in these territories.


Recovery and Respect

Thanks to the opportunity provided by the PROTEZIONE e Valorizzazione dell’Architettura e del Paesaggio Rurale (PNRR M1C3, Intervento 2.2) tender, it was possible to address the recovery through an intervention whose goal was to implement actions substantially attributable to conservative recovery, both of the rural property and the relevant court.
The estate, as regards the dry stone walls containing the terraces scattered in the external surroundings, is subject to UNESCO recognition.


Rural testimonies

In the framework of the ancient pastoral vocation of the site, some significant components of the “peasant” building structure emerge: a water supply cistern, a fireplace, an oven, as well as a carved stone that defines the period of construction of the building.

[ the value of the whole ]

Landscape Conservation

On the outside, the true value of the whole estate is made up of a dense network of dry wall structures to compose and support the terraces built to manage the slope. These works, which have been restored with the original ashlars found on site, have an undisputed historical/cultural value and are referable to the UNESCO tangible heritage definition.

[ intervention and methodology ]

The Landmark recovery

“The intervention was configured as maintenance of the rural landscape and of the estate, although containing actions of rehabilitation and functional recovery. It was a question of restoring the authentic values ​​of the asset (both with regard to the building and the external dry walls), through widespread and timely actions based on historical analysis and on the evidence, both tangible and intangible, still to be found on site."
“These are meticulous works, necessary to obtain a result as close as possible to the original. For example, the cistern had been enveloped in a concrete cage which was removed, while the fireplace-chimney and oven bodies, although retaining their shape, had been subjected to improper plastering interventions which were readjusted through laborious replacements."
“The innovative quality of this project consists in the use of particularly interesting and targeted tools and techniques: - historical values ​​restoring interventions (based on historiographical reconstruction carried out through collection of testimonies and period documentation) - functional reintegration interventions with materials different from original ones, whereas historiographical reconstruction has not allowed the exact definition of the primordial volumes, so as to confer - in line with the recent inclinations of the restoration discipline - the correct differentiation between original works and added values.”
[ Visiting tenuta ciaiali ]


Take a leap in time and come and visit a place that is a symbol of true Italian rural life.


+39 328 619 3065